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• Table of Contents
Process Control: Modeling, Design, and Simulation
By B. Wayne Bequette
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date: December 26, 2002
ISBN: 0-13-353640-8
Pages: 769

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      Textbook Goals
      Learning Modules
      Textbook Web Page
      Chapter 1.  Introduction
      Section 1.1.  Introduction
      Section 1.2.  Instrumentation
      Section 1.3.  Process Models and Dynamic Behavior
      Section 1.4.  Control Textbooks and Journals
      Section 1.5.  A Look Ahead
      Section 1.6.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 2.  Fundamental Models
      Section 2.1.  Background
      Section 2.2.  Balance Equations
      Section 2.3.  Material Balances
      Section 2.4.  Constitutive Relationships
      Section 2.5.  Material and Energy Balances
      Section 2.6.  Form of Dynamic Models
      Section 2.7.  Linear Models and Deviation Variables
      Section 2.8.  Summary
      Suggested Reading
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 2.1: Solving Algebraic Equations
      Appendix 2.2: Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations
      Chapter 3.  Dynamic Behavior
      Section 3.1.  Background
      Section 3.2.  Linear State Space Models
      Section 3.3.  Introduction to Laplace Transforms
      Section 3.4.  Transfer Functions
      Section 3.5.  First-Order Behavior
      Section 3.6.  Integrating System
      Section 3.7.  Second-Order Behavior
      Section 3.8.  Lead-Lag Behavior
      Section 3.9.  Poles and Zeros
      Section 3.10.  Processes with Dead Time
      Section 3.11.  Padé Approximation for Dead Time
      Section 3.12.  Converting State Space Models to Transfer Functions
      Section 3.13.  MATLAB and SIMULINK
      Section 3.14.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 4.  Empirical Models
      Section 4.1.  Introduction
      Section 4.2.  First-Order + Dead Time
      Section 4.3.  Integrator + Dead Time
      Section 4.4.  Discrete-Time Autoregressive Models
      Section 4.5.  Parameter Estimation
      Section 4.6.  Discrete Step and Impulse Response Models
      Section 4.7.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 4.1: Files Used to Generate Example 4.4
      Appendix 4.2
      Chapter 5.  Introduction to Feedback Control
      Section 5.1.  Motivation
      Section 5.2.  Development of Control Block Diagrams
      Section 5.3.  Response to Setpoint Changes
      Section 5.4.  PID Controller Algorithms
      Section 5.5.  Routh Stability Criterion
      Section 5.6.  Effect of Tuning Parameters
      Section 5.7.  Response to Disturbances
      Section 5.8.  Open-Loop Unstable Systems
      Section 5.9.  SIMULINK Block Diagrams
      Section 5.10.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 6.  PID Controller Tuning
      Section 6.1.  Introduction
      Section 6.2.  Closed-Loop Oscillation-Based Tuning
      Section 6.3.  Tuning Rules for First-Order + Dead Time Processes
      Section 6.4.  Direct Synthesis
      Section 6.5.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 7.  Frequency-Response Analysis
      Section 7.1.  Motivation
      Section 7.2.  Bode and Nyquist Plots
      Section 7.3.  Effect of Process Parameters on Bode and Nyquist Plots
      Section 7.4.  Closed-Loop Stability Concepts
      Section 7.5.  Bode and Nyquist Stability
      Section 7.6.  Robustness
      Section 7.7.  MATLAB Control Toolbox: Bode and Nyquist Functions
      Section 7.8.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 8.  Internal Model Control
      Section 8.1.  Introduction to Model-Based Control
      Section 8.2.  Practical Open-Loop Controller Design
      Section 8.3.  Generalization of the Open-Loop Control Design Procedure
      Section 8.4.  Model Uncertainty and Disturbances
      Section 8.5.  Development of the IMC Structure
      Section 8.6.  IMC Background
      Section 8.7.  The IMC Structure
      Section 8.8.  The IMC Design Procedure
      Section 8.9.  Effect of Model Uncertainty and Disturbances
      Section 8.10.  Improved Disturbance Rejection Design
      Section 8.11.  Manipulated Variable Saturation
      Section 8.12.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 8.1: Derivation of Closed-Loop Relationships for IMC
      Chapter 9.  The IMC-Based PID Procedure
      Section 9.1.  Background
      Section 9.2.  The Equivalent Feedback Form to IMC
      Section 9.3.  IMC-Based Feedback Design for Delay-Free Processes
      Section 9.4.  IMC-Based Feedback Design for Processes with a Time Delay
      Section 9.5.  Summary of IMC-Based PID Controller Design for Stable Processes
      Section 9.6.  IMC-Based PID Controller Design for Unstable Processes
      Section 9.7.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 10.  Cascade and Feed-Forward Control
      Section 10.1.  Background
      Section 10.2.  Introduction to Cascade Control
      Section 10.3.  Cascade-Control Analysis
      Section 10.4.  Cascade-Control Design
      Section 10.5.  Cascade IMC
      Section 10.6.  Feed-Forward Control
      Section 10.7.  Feed-Forward Controller Design
      Section 10.8.  Feed-Forward Control in the IMC Structure
      Section 10.9.  Summary of Feed-Forward Control
      Section 10.10.  Combined Feed-Forward and Cascade
      Section 10.11.  Summary
      Student Exercises—Cascade Control
      Student Exercises—Feed-Forward Control
      Student Exercises—Feed-Forward and Cascade
      Chapter 11.  PID Enhancements
      Section 11.1.  Background
      Section 11.2.  Antireset Windup
      Section 11.3.  Autotuning Techniques
      Section 11.4.  Nonlinear PID Control
      Section 11.5.  Controller Parameter (Gain) Scheduling
      Section 11.6.  Measurement/Actuator Selection
      Section 11.7.  Implementing PID Enhancements in Simulink
      Section 11.8.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 12.  Ratio, Selective, and Split-Range Control
      Section 12.1.  Motivation
      Section 12.2.  Ratio Control
      Section 12.3.  Selective and Override Control
      Section 12.4.  Split-Range Control
      Section 12.5.  Simulink Functions
      Section 12.6.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 13.  Control-Loop Interaction
      Section 13.1.  Introduction
      Section 13.2.  Motivation
      Section 13.3.  The General Pairing Problem
      Section 13.4.  The Relative Gain Array
      Section 13.5.  Properties and Application of the RGA
      Section 13.6.  Return to the Motivating Example
      Section 13.7.  RGA and Sensitivity
      Section 13.8.  Using the RGA to Determine Variable Pairings
      Section 13.9.  MATLAB RGA Function File
      Section 13.10.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 13.1: Derivation of the Relative Gain for an n-Input–n-Output System
      Appendix 13.2: m-File to Calculate the RGA
      Chapter 14.  Multivariable Control
      Section 14.1.  Background
      Section 14.2.  Zeros and Performance Limitations
      Section 14.3.  Scaling Considerations
      Section 14.4.  Directional Sensitivity and Operability
      Section 14.5.  Block-Diagram Analysis
      Section 14.6.  Decoupling
      Section 14.7.  IMC
      Section 14.8.  MATLAB tzero, svd, and LTI Functions
      Section 14.9.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 14.1
      Chapter 15.  Plantwide Control
      Section 15.1.  Background
      Section 15.2.  Steady-State and Dynamic Effects of Recycle
      Section 15.3.  Unit Operations Not Previously Covered
      Section 15.4.  The Control and Optimization Hierarchy
      Section 15.5.  Further Plantwide Control Examples
      Section 15.6.  Simulations
      Section 15.7.  Summary
      Student Exercises
      Chapter 16.  Model Predictive Control
      Section 16.1.  Motivation
      Section 16.2.  Optimization Problem
      Section 16.3.  Dynamic Matrix Control
      Section 16.4.  Constraints and Multivariable Systems
      Section 16.5.  Other MPC Methods
      Section 16.6.  Matlab
      Section 16.7.  Summary
      References and Relevant Literature
      Student Exercises
      Appendix 16.1: Derivation of the Step Response Formulation
      Appendix 16.2: Derivation of the Least Squares Solution for Control Moves
      Appendix 16.3
      Chapter 17.  Summary
      Section 17.1.  Overview of Topics Covered in This Textbook
      Section 17.2.  Process Engineering in Practice
      Section 17.3.  Suggested Further Reading
      Section 17.4.  Notation
      Student Exercises
      Module 1.  Introduction to MATLAB
      Section M1.1.  Background
      Section M1.2.  Matrix Operations
      Section M1.3.  The MATLAB Workspace
      Section M1.4.  Complex Variables
      Section M1.5.  Plotting
      Section M1.6.  More Matrix Stuff
      Section M1.7.  For Loops
      Section M1.8.  m-Files
      Section M1.9.  Summary of Commonly Used Commands
      Section M1.10.  Frequently Used MATLAB Functions
      Additional Exercises
      Module 2.  Introduction to SIMULINK
      Section M2.1.  Background
      Section M2.2.  Open-Loop Simulations
      Section M2.3.  Feedback-Control Simulations
      Section M2.4.  Developing Alternative Controller Icons
      Section M2.5.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 3.  Ordinary Differential Equations
      Section M3.1.  MATLAB ode—Basic
      Section M3.2.  MATLAB ode—Options
      Section M3.3.  SIMULINK sfun (.mdl Files)
      Section M3.4.  SIMULINK sfun (.mdl Files)—Advanced
      Section M3.5.  Summary
      Module 4.  MATLAB LTI Models
      Section M4.1.  Forming Continuous-Time Models
      Section M4.2.  Forming Discrete-Time Models
      Section M4.3.  Converting Continuous Models to Discrete
      Section M4.4.  Converting Discrete Models to Continuous
      Section M4.5.  Step and Impulse Responses
      Section M4.6.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 5.  Isothermal Chemical Reactor
      Section M5.1.  Background
      Section M5.2.  Model (Chapter 2)
      Section M5.3.  Steady-State and Dynamic Behavior (Chapter 3)
      Section M5.4.  Classical Feedback Control (Chapters 5 and 6)
      Section M5.5.  Internal Model Control (Chapter 8)
      Additional Exercises
      Module 6.  First-Order + Time-Delay Processes
      Section M6.1.  Motivation
      Section M6.2.  Closed-Loop Time-Domain Simulation
      Section M6.3.  Bode Analysis
      Section M6.4.  Ziegler-Nichols Tuning
      Section M6.5.  IMC-Based PID Control
      Section M6.6.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Appendix M6.1
      Module 7.  Biochemical Reactors
      Section M7.1.  Background
      Section M7.2.  Steady-State and Dynamic Behavior
      Section M7.3.  Stable Steady-State Operating Point
      Section M7.4.  Unstable Steady-State Operating Point
      Section M7.5.  SIMULINK Model File
      Additional Exercises
      Module 8.  CSTR
      Section M8.1.  Background
      Section M8.2.  Simplified Modeling Equations
      Section M8.3.  Example Chemical Process—Propylene Glycol Production
      Section M8.4.  Effect of Reactor Scale
      Section M8.5.  For Further Study: Detailed Model
      Section M8.6.  Other Considerations
      Section M8.7.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Appendix M8.1
      Module 9.  Steam Drum Level
      Section M9.1.  Background
      Section M9.2.  Process Model
      Section M9.  Feedback Controller Design
      Section M9.4.  Feed-Forward Controller Design
      Section M9.5.  Three-Mode Level Control
      Appendix M9.1: SIMULINK Diagram for Feed-Forward/Feedback Control of Steam Drum Level
      Appendix M9.2: SIMULINK Diagram for 3-Mode Control of Steam Drum Level
      Module 10.  Surge Vessel Level Control
      Section M10.1.  Background
      Section M10.2.  Process Model
      Section M10.3.  Controller Design
      Section M10.4.  Numerical Example
      Section M10.5.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Appendix M10.1: The SIMULINK Block Diagram
      Module 11.  Batch Reactor
      Section M11.1.  Background
      Section M11.2.  Batch Model 1: Jacket Temperature Manipulated
      Section M11.3.  Batch Model 2: Jacket Inlet Temperature Manipulated
      Section M11.4.  Batch Model 3: Cascade Control
      Section M11.5.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 12.  Biomedical Systems
      Section M12.1.  Overview
      Section M12.2.  Pharmacokinetic Models
      Section M12.3.  Intravenous Delivery of Anesthetic Drugs
      Section M12.4.  Blood Glucose Control in Diabetic Patients
      Section M12.5.  Blood Pressure Control in Post-Operative Patients
      Section M12.6.  Critical Care Patients
      Section M12.7.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 13.  Distillation Control
      Section M13.1.  Description of Distillation Control
      Section M13.2.  Open-Loop Behavior
      Section M13.3.  SISO Control
      Section M13.4.  RGA Analysis
      Section M13.5.  Multiple SISO Controllers
      Section M13.6.  Singular Value Analysis
      Section M13.7.  Nonlinear Effects
      Section M13.8.  Other Issues in Distillation Column Control
      Section M13.9.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Appendix M13.1
      Module 14.  Case Study Problems
      Section M14.1.  Background
      Section M14.2.  Reactive Ion Etcher
      Section M14.3.  Rotary Lime Kiln Temperature Control
      Section M14.4.  Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
      Section M14.5.  Anaerobic Sludge Digester
      Section M14.6.  Drug Infusion System
      Section M14.7.  Suggested Case Study Schedule
      Section M14.8.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 15.  Flow Control
      Section M15.1.  Motivating Example
      Section M15.2.  Flowmeters
      Section M15.3.  Control Valves
      Section M15.4.  Pumping and Piping Systems
      Section M15.5.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Module 16.  Digital Control
      Section M16.1.  Background
      Section M16.2.  PID Controllers
      Section M16.3.  Stability Analysis for Digital Control Systems
      Section M16.4.  Performance of Digital Control Systems
      Section M16.5.  Discrete IMC
      Section M16.6.  Summary
      Additional Exercises
      Appendix M16.1: SIMULINK .mdl File for Example M16.2
      Appendix M16.2: SIMULINK .m and .mdl Files for Example M16.3
      About the Author
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