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The Fogler text uses the propylene glycol example for the analysis of an adiabatic CSTR. The Seider et al. text uses it in the context of simulation-based process design. The original experimental results for the kinetic rate expressions are provided in Furusawa et al. An analysis of a two-state CSTR is presented in the Process Dynamics text by Bequette. The article by Lipták provides an excellent overview of both batch and continuous reactor control.

Bequette, B. W., Process Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Prentice Hall, New York (1998).

Fogler, H. S., Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New York (1992).

Furusawa, T., H. Nishimura, and T. Miyauchi, "Experimental Study of a Bistable Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 2(1), 95–100 (1969).

Lipták, B. G., "Controlling and Optimizing Chemical Reactors," Chemical Engineering Mag., pp. 69–81 (May 26, 1986).

Seider, W. D., J. D. Seader, and D. R. Lewin, Process Design Principles, Wiley, New York (1999).

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