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M12.6 Critical Care Patients

Critical care patients have often suffered a "disturbance" to the normal operation of their physiological system; this disturbance could have been generated by surgery or some sort of trauma (e.g., a heart attack). A responsibility of the critical care physician is to main tain certain patient outputs within an acceptable operating range. Two important outputs to be maintained are mean arterial pressure (MAP) and cardiac output (CO). During surgery the anesthesiologist will infuse several drugs into the patient in order to control these states close to the desired values. A conceptual diagram is shown in Figure M12-2.

Figure M12-2. Drug infusion control.


The goal of this control system design is to manipulate the flow rate of two drugs, dopamine (DPM) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), to maintain the two outputs at their desired setpoints. A successful implementation of such a strategy allows the anesthesiologist to spend more time monitoring other patient states, such as "depth of anesthesia."

A simplified model representing the input-output behavior for a particular patient is

Equation M12.14


where inputs 1 and 2 are SNP and DPM (ml/hr), and outputs 1 and 2 are MAP (mmHg) and CO (liters/min). The time constants have units of minutes.

  1. Based on the RGA (Chapter 13), what are the natural pairings? Ordinarily, one would control MAP by manipulating SNP and control CO by manipulating SNP. Does the RGA rule out this strategy? Why or why not?

  2. Consider the transfer function matrix. If the nominal steady-state drug infusion rates are 0, can the cardiac output (CO) be decreased by infusing these drugs? Why or why not?

  3. Perform an SVD analysis (Chapter 14), assuming that the transfer function matrix (M12.14) is properly scaled. What are the strongest and weakest output directions for this process?

  4. Assume that the initial steady states for MAP and CO are 120 mm Hg and 4 liters/min, respectively. Design controllers and perform simulations for step setpoint changes to 100 mm Hg and 4.5 liters/min. Discuss controller performance and the different behavior if setpoint changes are made individually versus simultaneously.

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