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Module 1. Introduction to MATLAB

The purpose of this module is to review MATLAB for those that have used it before and to provide a brief introduction to MATLAB for those that have not used it before. This is an interactive, "hands-on" tutorial introduction. After using this tutorial, the reader should be able to do the following:

  • Enter matrices

  • Make plots

  • Write script files

  • Perform matrix operations

  • Use MATLAB functions

  • Write function files

The sections of this module are as follows:

M1.1 Background

M1.2 Matrix Operations

M1.3 The MATLAB Workspace

M1.4 Complex Variables

M1.5 Plotting

M1.6 More Matrix Stuff

M1.7 For Loops

M1.8 m-Files

M1.9 Summary of Commonly Used Commands

M1.10 Frequently Used MATLAB Functions

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