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Appendix 16.3

Use the following files to reproduce the van de Vusse simulations shown in Figure 16-9. These are based on an unconstrained DMC strategy. Files for the constrained formulation, involving qp and quadprog from the optimization toolbox, are available on the book web page.


% dmcsim
% 26 Oct 00 - revised 4/5 Aug 01 for Chapter 16 - MPC
% b.w. bequette
% unconstrained DMC simulation, calls: smatgen.m and dmccalc.m
% currently contains van de vusse reactor model and plant
% MPC tuning and simulation parameters
  n = 50;        % model length
  p = 10;        % prediction horizon
  m =  1;        % control horizon
  weight = 0.0;  % weighting factor
  ysp = 1;       % setpoint change (from 0)
  timesp = 1;    % time of setpoint change
  delt =   0.1;  % sample time
  tfinal = 6;    % final simulation time
  noise  = 0;    % noise added to response coefficients
  t = 0:delt:tfinal;  % time vector
  kfinal = length(t); % number of time intervals
  ksp = fix(timesp/delt);
  r = [zeros(ksp,1);ones(kfinal-ksp,1)*ysp]; % setpoint vector
% ----- insert continuous model here -----------
% model (continuous state space form)
  a = [-2.4048 0;0.8333 -2.2381]; % a matrix – van de vusse
  b = [7; -1.117];                % b matrix – van de vusse
  c = [0 1];                      % c matrix – van de vusse
  d = 0;                          % d matrix – van de vusse
  sysc_mod = ss(a,b,c,d); % create LTI "object"
% ----- insert plant here -----------
% perfect model assumption (plant = model)
  ap = a;
  bp = b;
  cp = c;
  dp = d;
  sysc_plant = ss(ap,bp,cp,dp);
% discretize the plant with a sample time, delt
  sysd_plant = c2d(sysc_plant,delt)
  [phi,gamma,cd,dd] = ssdata(sysd_plant)
% evaluate discrete model step response coefficients
  [s] = step(sysc_mod,[delt:delt:n*delt]);
% generate dynamic matrices (both past and future)
  [Sf,Sp,Kmat] = smatgen(s,p,m,n,weight);
% plant initial conditions
  xinit = zeros(size(a,1),1);
  uinit = 0;
  yinit = 0;
% initialize input vector
  u     = ones(min(p,kfinal),1)*uinit;
  dup   = zeros(n-2,1);
  sn    = s(n);       % last step response coefficient
  x(:,1)= xinit;
  y(1)  = yinit;
  dist(1) = 0;
% set-up is done, start simulations
 for k = 1:kfinal;
 du(k) = dmccalc(Sp,Kmat,sn,dup,dist(k),r(k),u,k,n);
% perform control calculation
  if k > 1;
 u(k) = u(k-1)+du(k); % control input
 u(k) = uinit + du(k);
% plant equations
 x(:,k+1) = phi*x(:,k)+gamma*u(k);
 y(k+1) = cd*x(:,k+1);
% model prediction
  if k-n+1>0;
   ymod(k+1) = s(1)*du(k) + Sp(1,:)*dup + sn*u(k-n+1);
   ymod(k+1) = s(1)*du(k) + Sp(1,:)*dup;
% disturbance compensation
 dist(k+1) = y(k+1) - ymod(k+1);
% additive disturbance assumption
% put input change into vector of past control moves
 dup = [du(k);dup(1:n-3)];
% stairs plotting for input (zero-order hold) and setpoint
  [tt,uu] = stairs(t,u);
  [ttr,rr] = stairs(t,r);
  title('plant output')


function [Sf,Sp,Kmat] = smatgen(s,p,m,n,w)
% b.w. bequette
% 28 Sept 00, revised 2 Oct 00
% generates dynamic matrix and feedback gain matrix
% assumes s = step response column vector
% Sf   = Dynamic Matrix for future control moves (forced)
% Sp   = Matrix for past control moves (free)
% Kmat = DMC feedback gain matrix
% s    = step response coefficient vector
% p    = prediction horizon
% m    = control horizon
% n    = model horizon
% w    = weight on control input
% first, find the dynamic matrix
  for j = 1:m;
         Sf(:,j) = [zeros(j-1,1);s(1:p-j+1)];
% now, find the matrix for past moves
  for i = 1:p;
         Sp(i,:) = [s(i+1:n-1)' zeros(1,i-1)];
% find the feedback gain matrix, Kmat
  Kmat = inv(Sf'*Sf + w*eye(m))*Sf';


function [delu] = dmccalc(Sp,Kmat,sn,delup,d,r,u,k,n)
% for use with dmcsim.m
% b.w. bequette
% 2 oct 00
% calculate the optimum control move
% first, calculate uold = u(k-n+1)...u(k-n+p)
  [m,p] = size(Kmat);
    uold = zeros(p,1);
  for i = 1:p;
       if k-n+i>0;
       uold(i) = u(k-n+i);
       uold(i) = 0;
  dvec  = d*ones(p,1);
  rvec   = r*ones(p,1);
  y_free = Sp*delup + sn*uold + dvec;
  e_free = rvec-y_free;
  delu = Kmat(1,:)*e_free;
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