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Module 5. Isothermal Chemical Reactor

There are a number of important concepts that are presented in this module.

  • The nonlinear concept of input multiplicity

  • The challenge of inverse response behavior

  • The Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop oscillation tuning method

  • IMC

This module contains too many topics to cover interactively during a typical 2-hour session. It is recommended that the reader (or instructor) select a topic of particular interest. The two different controller design sections (M5.4 and M5.5) can be studied independently. The approximate time needed and the focus (in parentheses) of each section of this module are as follows:

M5.1 Background

M5.2 Model (Chapter 2)

M5.3 Steady-State and Dynamic Behavior (Chapter 3)—1–1.5 Hours

M5.4 Classical Feedback Control (Chapters 5 and 6)—1.5 Hours

M5.5 Internal Model Control (Chapter 8)—3 Hours

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