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Student Exercises


Verify that the two block diagrams below result in the same PI control algorithm transfer function.



Use the SIMULINK diagram presented in Figure 11-16 to verify the results presented in Example 11.1. Show that, as the setpoint change approaches 0.5 the integral windup effect becomes worse.


Verify the results of Example 11.2 using a SIMULINK simulation. Also, discuss the effect of the resetting time, tr, on the ARW results.


Consider the process furnace temperature cascade control system shown in Figure 10-2, where the output of the temperature control loop is a setpoint for the fuel gas flow controller. Draw a signal, similar to Figure 11-10, that shows that an external antireset strategy is used for the temperature controller.


Consider Example 11.3. Use SIMULINK to show that cascade control without antireset windup protection yields significant overshoot for a setpoint change.


Show that the relay procedure for an integrator + time-delay process will exhibit the following period and output amplitude:



Show that the relay procedure for a gain + time-delay process will exhibit the following period and output amplitude:



The example process used in this module is first order + time delay, with a gain of 1, a time constant of 10, and a time delay of 5. Compare the Ziegler-Nichols PI control performance when the critical gain and period are obtained using two different methods: relay-based cycling, and Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop cycling. Also, compare the Tyreus-Luyben tuning parameters obtained using the two methods. Does the relay-based method generally yield more conservative results?


For an integrator + time-delay model, find the IMC-based PI parameters, assuming an IMC filter with the form


where g is selected to yield a PI controller.


For a gain + time-delay model, find the IMC-based PI parameters when the all-pass method is not used.


For a first-order + time-delay process, with a time constant of 10 minutes and a time delay of 0.5 minutes, use the autotune procedure. How close are the critical gain and ultimate period to the values obtained by the Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop oscillation method? What are the process parameters for an integrator + time-delay model? Based on these parameters, simulate the closed-loop behavior of a PI controller, with various values of l. What l values do you recommend? Why?


For a first-order + time-delay process, with a time constant of 0.5 minutes and a time delay of 10 minutes, use the autotune procedure. How close are the critical gain and ultimate period to the values obtained by the Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop oscillation method? What are the process parameters for a gain + time-delay model? Based on these parameters, simulate the closed-loop behavior of a PI controller, with various values of l. What l values do you recommend? Why?

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