A nice presentation of antireset windup is presented in: Astrom, K. J., and L. Rundqwist,
"Integrator Windup and How to Avoid It," in Proceedings of the 1989 American Control Conference, Pittsburgh,
pp. 1693–1698 (1989).
The following paper presents model-based (integrator + time delay and gain + time delay) PI approaches for tuning SISO and two-input, two-output processes: Friman, M., and K. V. Waller,
"Autotuning of Multiloop Control Systems," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 33(7), 1708–1717 (1994).
A nice summary of PID design and implementation is presented in the following book: Kiong, T. K., W. Quing-Guo, and H. C. Chieh with T. J. Hagglund, Advances in PID Control, Springer Verlag, London (1999).
The following paper reviews gain scheduling approaches to process control: Bequette, B. W., "Practical Approaches to Nonlinear Control: A Review of Process Applications," in Nonlinear Model-based Process Control, NATO ASI Series, Ser. E, Vol. 353, pp. 3–32 (R. Berber and C. Kravaris, Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998).
Distillation gain-scheduling control has been studied in the following: Tsogas, A., and T. J. McAvoy, "Gain Scheduling for Composition Control of Distillation Columns," Chem. Eng. Commun., 37, 275–291 (1985).