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Additional Exercises


Find the transfer function relationships shown in Equation (M11.5).


Find the transfer function relationships shown in Equation (M11.9).


Pfaudler is a major manufacturer of reaction vessels. Search the Pfaudler web page to find 100-gallon and 1500-gallon reactors. Do the heat transfer areas vary with volume in the way that you would expect?


All of the examples in this module have included a heat generation term, for simplicity. This resulted in simple, low-order models. Develop a more comprehensive model of a semi-batch reactor (flow in, but not out), with a simple first-order irreversible reaction (A B). Develop the modeling equations, including the following states: V (liquid volume), NA (total amount of component A in the reactor), T (reactor temperature), and Tj (jacket temperature). Allow the heat-transfer area to vary as a function of the reactor volume. Include a steady-state energy balance on the recirculating jacket fluid heat-transfer system, and assume that a split-range controller manipulates either the cold or hot glycol flow rate.

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