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A nice textbook on this general topic is:

Northrop, R. B., Endogenous and Exogenous Regulation and Control of Physiological Systems, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL (2000).

For examples of biomedical control applications, see the following special issue:

Bequette, B. W., and F. J. Doyle III (Eds.), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Special issue on automation in biomedicine, Jan/Feb (2001).

A comparison of sets of propofol pharmacokinetic parameters is presented in:

Vuyk, J., F. H.M. Engbers, A. G.O. Burm, A. A. Vletter and J. G. Bovill, "Performance of Computer-Controlled Infusion of Propofol: An Evaluation of Five Parmacokinetic Parameter Sets," Anesth. Analg., 81, 1275–1282 (1995).

Control of blood glucose in diabetics is discussed in the following papers:

Bellazzi, R., G. Nucci, and C. Cobelli, "The Subcutaneous Route to Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Therapy," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 20(1), 54–64 (2001).

Parker, R. S., F. J. Doyle III, and N. A. Peppas, "The Intravenous Route to Blood Glucose Control," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 20(1), 65–73 (2001).

The Bergman "minimal model" is discussed in the following paper:

Bergman, R. N., L. S. Philips, and C. Cobelli, "Physiological Evaluation of Factors Controlling Glucose Tolerance in Man," J. Clin. Invest., 68, 1456–1467 (1981).

The parameters for the diabetes model are presented in the following paper:

Lynch, S. M., and B. W. Bequette, "Estimation-based Model Predictive Control of Blood Glucose in Type I Diabetics: A Simulation Study," in Proceedings of the 27th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Storrs, CT, pp. 79–80 (2001).

A review of blood pressure control is presented by:

Isaka, S., and A. V. Sebald, "Control Strategies for Arterial Blood Pressure Regulation," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 40(4), 353–363 (1993).

An experimental study of the simultaneous control of blood pressure and cardiac output is presented in the paper:

Rao, R., C. C. Palerm, B. Aufderheide, and B. W. Bequette, "Experimental Studies on Automated Regulation of Hemodynamic Variables," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 20(1), 24–38 (Jan/Feb, 2001).

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