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Additional Exercises


Compare step responses of the transfer function and state space models for the van de Vusse reactor.

  1. Transfer function: Perform the open-loop simulation for a step input change from 0 to 1 at t = 1, as shown in Figure M2-5.

  2. State space: Replace the transfer function block shown in Figure M2-5 with a state space block. Enter the following matrices in the MATLAB command window:


Show that the resulting step responses of the transfer function and state space models are identical.


Consider the closed-loop SIMULINK diagram for the van de Vusse reactor (Figure M2-8). Replace the default PID controller with a "Real PID" controller, as shown below in both the masked and unmasked versions. How do your results compare with ones obtained using the default PID controller?



The following control algorithm uses a filtered derivative of the process output (see Chapter 5). Develop a SIMULINK implementation of this algorithm, where e(s) = r(s) - y(s).


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