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M16.3 Stability Analysis for Digital Control Systems

For a standard discrete feedback control system, the closed-loop system is stable if the poles of the closed-loop transfer function are all inside the unit circle. The closed-loop transfer function is


so the roots of


must be less than 1 in magnitude.

Example M16.1: Stability of a Discrete Control System

Consider a first-order process, where the output is temperature (°C), the manipulated input is valve position (%), and the time unit is minutes.


If discretized with a sample time of 1 minute, the discrete-time process (the MATLAB Control Toolbox can be used to convert continuous to discrete models—see Module 4, Section M4.3) is


With a P-only controller, we must check the roots of


and solving for the root, we find


where the magnitude of the root is less than 1 for –1<kc<20.01. Since the process gain is positive, only positive values of the proportional gain make sense. This is result is verified in Figure M16-1, where the discrete P-only controller is unstable, while the continuous P-controller is stable with only a small amount of offset; kc = 20.01 for both the continuous and discrete P controllers.

Figure M16-1. Comparison of setpoint responses for continuous and discrete P-only controllers on the first-order process. kc = 20.01 %/°C.


Problem M16.1 (see the SIMULINK .mdl file in Appendix M16.1)

Consider the first-order process given in Example M16.1. For a discrete PI controller, with tI = 10 minutes, find the proportional gain that just makes the closed-loop system unstable. Verify your analytical result via simulation; show plots similar to Figure M16-1.

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