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Module 2. Introduction to SIMULINK

Although the standard MATLAB package is useful for linear systems analysis, SIMULINK is far more useful for control system simulation. SIMULINK enables the rapid construction and simulation of control block diagrams. The goal of the tutorial is to introduce the use of SIMULINK for control-system simulation. The version available at the time of writing of this textbook is SIMULINK 5.0, part of Release 13 (including MATLAB 6.5) from MATHWORKS. The version that you are using can be obtained by entering ver in the MATLAB command window.

The easiest way to learn how to use SIMULINK is to implement each step of the tutorial, rather than simply reading it. The basic steps to using SIMULINK are independent of the platform (PC, MAC, UNIX, ...).

The sections of this module are as follows:

M2.1 Background

M2.2 Open-Loop Simulations

M2.3 Feedback-Control Simulations

M2.4 Developing Alternative Controller Icons

M2.5 Summary

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