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13.9 MATLAB RGA Function File

The MATLAB function file, rga.m, given in Appendix 13.2 can be used to the find the RGA of any square (number of inputs = number of outputs) gain matrix. For example, consider the wet grinding circuit of Exercise 10.

First, the gain matrix is entered

» g = [119 153 -21; 370 767 -50; 903 -667 -1033]
g =
         119         153         -21
         370         767         -50
         903        -667       -1033

Then the RGA is calculated using the call to the function file:

» lambda = rga(g)
lambda =
    3.6449   -1.9131   -0.7318
   -2.3616    2.9581    0.4035
   -0.2833   -0.0450    1.3283
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